In The News
#1 Massage Therapists 2018-2023 | #1 Day Spa 2021-2022
News Articles
- Tara Mechaley Uses Personal Experience to Open Body Spa & Cryo
- Featured in KEVN Black Hills Fox Cryochambers: A breakthrough for chronic pain relief
- Named Best Wellness Adventure To Unwind, Reflect, and Reset in Rapid City, SD
- Nitrogen VS. Electric Cryotherapy
- Help your animals with pain and inflammation with pet cryotherapy at Goosebumps Cryotherapy
- The Body Spa in Rapid City takes cryotherapy on the road
- Cryotherapy – a cool way to rid inflammation
- FB post from national cryotherapy alliance
- Tara Mechaley was a key note speaker on cryo for World Wide Cryo Conference
- Dog gets his groove back after Rapid City spa's cryotherapy